Posts Tagged ‘browser’

Can I use this feature in a given web browser in a given version?

June 22, 2017

If you are developing for the web you certainly were confronted by the question if a given web feature (webrtcURLSearchParams, …) is supported by browsers and which versions of them. To answer this question you can use the website

Google Chrome for Linux

June 14, 2009

After a long period of waiting Linux User have now the chance to test a beta version of Googles browser chrome.

You can download Google Chrome for ubuntu or debian 5 here.

Google releasing their own browser

September 2, 2008

Google Chrome, being the new Webkit-based web browser due to be released from the Googleplex on September 2, has been preceded by a lengthy comic book explaining the principles behind its design.

You can download Chrome for Windows. Gnu/linux and mac versions are being developed. The browser is open source.
