Posts Tagged ‘climate change’

The urgency of becoming an activist

July 18, 2008

An Eco-Storm production-Exposing government tactics in reaction to environmental protests. Tactics shown in the film include arresting journalists and environmental protesters, Espionage, news manipulation and legal threats.

Melting Point looks at the escalating battle between direct action protest groups and those they accuse of failing to act on climate change.

How It All Ends: Risk Management

June 21, 2008

In the past I made a post about great video episodes of a chemistry teacher talking about climate change and why it is important and logical to try to do something against it.

The next episodes are about how to find out which resources are credible and how to work with probabilities.
In sum, about Risk Management.

Read further for the other parts of this episode. (You can watch the videos with miro too).


How It All Ends: Nature of Science

March 22, 2008

In the past I made a post about great video episodes of a chemistry teacher talking about climate change and why it is important
and logical to try to do something against it.

The next three episodes are about the nature of science. Why it is so difficult to prove something is absolutely right, or better, why it is NOT possible
to do so.
They also show how beliefs and views can lead us to wrong assumptions. Enjoy and lean!

You can also add the channel into miro if you want to.

How do you deal with climate change?

February 22, 2008

I often discuss about climate change with people. Sometimes it is hard because I’m no scientist and scientific facts about how the world CAN’T be changed this massive by humans is given a lot.
And there is one thing which is true, nobody can be SURE of anything.

Not the skeptics, not me and no single person on this world. Which lead me to the argument what harm can be done if you are a skeptic and climate change happens or the other way round, if you are an activist like me and the climate change doesn’t happen.

For me, taking the risk of economic stagnation is much easier to take than the risk of creating social, economic, environmental, … disasters.
Happily I found that there are other people with this arguments.. Even one who created a bunch of videos explaining the arguments….
If you have 10 minutes.. watch it.. it explains the matter much better than I can do..

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